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The Political Conviction of the Parliamentary Group Vice-Chair & Member of the Presidency of the Democratic Party of Albania, MP Ervin Salianji

The Political Conviction of the Parliamentary Group Vice-Chair & Member of the Presidency of the Democratic Party of Albania, MP Ervin Salianji

15:21, 28/09/2024
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1. On May 15, 2018, the MP of the Democratic Party, Ervin Salianji, published the final decision of the Italian Court, which sentenced the brother of the Minister of the Interior, Agron (Geron) Xhafaj, to 7 years and four months in prison for international drug trafficking. Minister Xhafaj's brother, a person wanted by the Italian authorities, while skipping the conviction in Italy, directed the drug traffic in the city and port of Vlora.

2. At this time, the Honorable Ervin Salianji published a wiretapping, provided by the investigative journalist Jetmir Olldashi, of the conversation of drug trafficker Agron (Geron) Xhafaj, with Albert Veliu, an early associate of his. In the wiretapping, these two perpetrators were talking about drug trafficking in the city of Vlora.

3. After these denunciations, Agron (Geron) Xhafaj went to prison in Rome, Italy, while his brother, Minister of the Interior FatmirXhafaj, resigned.

4. Prime Minister Edi Rama, his Minister of the Interior Fatmir Xhafajj, Chairman of the Parliamentary Group of the SP Taulant Balla, Director General of the State Police Ardi Veliu, Director of the Fier Police Albert Nushi, and Deputy Director of the Fier Police Andon Marko immediately set up a special task force structure to manipulate the "Xhafaj file and deal with MP Saliani.

5. Initially, Agron (Geron) Xhafaj filed a criminal complaint for false reporting against the Democratic Party officials who had made the denunciation from the DP headquarters. A day later, Edi Rama reacted by defending Fatmir Xhafaj, stating that he had carried out an expert report with an international studio, from which it emerged that the voice of Agron (Geron) Xhafaj was not in the wiretapping.

6. On May 28, 2018, the chairman of the SP Parliamentary Group, Taulant Balla, stated that there was an actor in the wiretapping. Meanwhile, on June 8, 2018, the media close to the government announced that a person who claims to have played the role of Agron Xhafaj in the published interview was presented to the Serious Crimes Prosecutor's Office. On October 9, 2018, the MP of the Democratic Party, Ervin Salianji, published a wiretapping, where the fabricated actor, Fredi Alizoti, a person with a criminal record and convicted several times for ordinary crimes, admits that Taulant Balla, Ardi Veliu and Albert Nushi had paid him to falsely testify that he was an 'actor' on the wiretapping material.

7. According to the British laboratory, Agron (Geron) Xhafaj's voice sample was very weak. Still, it was accepted that it resembled the voice published in the Democratic Party wiretapping.

8. On October 16-18, 2018, a series of telephone transcripts were published, from which the fictional actor Fredi Alizoti admits that he received a "good package" from the director of the Fier Police, Albert Nushi, and also admits the fact that he met with Taulant Balla, after a persistent nine phone calls. Other interceptions showed that the highest officials of the government, including the Minister of the Interior, MP's, prosecutors, and police chiefs, were placed in the service of the false witness Fredi Alizoti, who ordered them, threatened them and took money for the service rendered in the assembly of the file against the DP MP, Ervin Salianji.

9. With decision no. 2900, dated 18.12.2019, judge Artan Gjermeni imposed a sentence of 1 year in prison for the false claim of MP Ervin Salianji. Artan Gjermeni was the judge who appeared in the interceptions of the Italian justice authorities as the man who was in the service of closing the criminal file of Aldo Bare's gang. Artan Gjermeni was clearly in a conflict of interest since, in the previous processes, he had given up judging the cases of the Democratic Party due to his family acquaintance with one of the parties' lawyers. Artan Gjermeni is the judge who appears in the SPAK hearings as the one who closed the "Toyota Yaris case" traffickers clan and also the judge who resigned to avoid facing the vetting.

10. In the decision of Judge Gjermeni, the charges against Agron (Geron) Xhafaj were dismissed even though such a request was never filed during the trial, even in the court file, there was only a photocopy of it, without any details as to where such decision came from. One day before the hearing scheduled for the decision announcement, Geron Xhafaj's lawyers filed this decision, and the judges decided to accept this evidence, although the judicial review was closed. Judge Gjermeni refused to call as witnesses Edi Rama, Taulant Balla, Ardi Veliu, and Agron Xhafaj himself, thus preventing the entire disclosure of the truth.

11. Also, in his decision, judge Gjermeni turns out to have falsified the facts, reasoning that it was impossible that on October 24, 2017 (the date of the wiretapping recording), Albert Veliu and Agron Xhafaj were in the same place, meanwhile since the phone records confirm that on that day they were in the same radius in the town of Vlora. Also, in the decision, the conclusions of the British laboratory were falsified, where the judge states that the expert report eliminates the possibility that it was the voice of Agron Xhafaj. The expert report noted a similarity between his voice and the voice in the wiretap.

12. On September 26, 2024, the panel of judges, composed of Genti Shala and Iliba Bezati, decided to uphold the scandalous decision of Judge Artan Gjermeni. Genti Shala is a former political representative of the Socialist Party in the Central Election Commission and a candidate for a member of the Supreme Court, where Fatmir Xhafajt's strong ties to the Supreme Judicial Council and the Supreme Court are well known. While Iliba Bezati is the sister-in-law of Belinda Balluku, and at the time when Fatmir Xhafaj was the Minister of Justice, it turns out that he revoked a recommendation of the Justice Inspectors for the dismissal of Judge Iliba Bezati.

13. The decision is an aggression against the opposition and its MPs and against any oppositionist who denounces the criminal links of the government. This decision is against every citizen who decides to face the criminalized government of Edi Rama. Geron Xhafaj is a convicted drug trafficker, said Ervin Salianji. Geron Xhafa is convicted in a final decision by the Italian Court and goes to prison only after the denunciation of Ervin Salianji. So, how did Mr. Salianji lie?

14. This is fabricated justice; this is a forged political process. This is an unprecedented decision by the Appeal; there is no precedent in Albania when someone goes to prison for a false report. Even the mobster Durim Bami was not imprisoned for a false report. This is an apparent political revenge. Under political control, the court sent an opposition MP with no present social danger to jail.

15. The mafia code that PM Rama delivered through the Appeal's decision is a declaration of war against the opposition and its parliamentary group. Edi Rama's public reaction to the decision is also a coded message to every citizen who denounces the criminal links of their narco government.The political imprisonment without any legal basis of the vice-chairman of the DP parliamentary group Ervin Salianji, Edi Rama, showcases his strong will for a country without opposition, walking the footpath of his father, Kristaq Rama, who, as a deputy of Ramiz Alia-Albania's last dictator, signed the public hanging on August 10, 1988 of a political opponent, the dissident poet Havzi Nela, for his verses dedicated to free speech.

Gazment Bardhi
Chairman of DP Parliamentary Group


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