Berisha under house arrest, Forza Italia: Attack on freedom and democracy

Berisha under house arrest, Forza Italia: Attack on freedom and democracy

13:16, 23/09/2024
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MPs of Forza Italia, Erica Mazzetti and Rosaria Tassinari, have expressed criticism regarding the situation of the leader of the opposition, Sali Berisha, emphasizing the importance of protecting freedom and democracy, both in Albania and in the most developed democratic countries.

In a meeting held in Parma, organized by representatives of the Democratic Party of Albania, Mazzetti emphasized the close relations between Italy and Albania, mentioning the close cooperation between former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and Sali Berisha in the years of transition after the fall of communism.

"We are united by the love of freedom, the belief in democracy and the protection of human dignity, " said Mazzetti, emphasizing that these are values ​​that must be protected at all times.

For her part, Tassinari added that they follow with hope and interest Albania's progress towards a solid and liberal economy, supporting its fight against corruption and injustice. However, they expressed their concern about the situation of former president Berisha, who is under house arrest for a corruption charge dating back several years.

" Unfortunately, even in the most developed democracies, such anti-democratic practices occur, which must be fought and eliminated ," Forza Italia MPs emphasized, concluding that there is a strong bond and affinity between the peoples of Italy and Albania, strengthened by joint contribution to work and education.


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