Bucci: The Prime Minister's Brother Roams Free While Berisha is Under Custody Without Charges

Bucci: The Prime Minister's Brother Roams Free While Berisha is Under Custody Without Charges

21:48, 09/09/2024
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Steven Bucci, a former senior Pentagon official and the first U.S. Defense Attaché in Tirana in the 1990s, spoke on Çim Peka Live on SYRI TV about the latest political developments in Albania and the role of the American embassy.

Bucci highlighted the contrast in the Albanian political landscape: "On one hand, we have the Prime Minister's brother, who is involved in numerous activities and remains free, while President Berisha is under house arrest without any charges. They couldn't find evidence against him because there was never any charge or trial."

Reflecting on his tenure in Albania, Bucci said,

            "As an attaché, I worked with ambassadors and other State Department officials who aimed to advance U.S. interests, including supporting Albania's development.

            However, it seems that the current administration's actions here are more politically oriented, prioritizing one political direction over another."

            "When I was in Albania, our goal was to help transform a nation emerging from decades of communist rule into one of Europe's newest democracies. Now, it seems the focus is more on selecting individuals aligned with U.S. social and business preferences rather than fostering a functional democracy."

            "For democracy to work, you need one party in power and another in opposition," Bucci noted.

            "My responsibilities were specifically centered on the military and its reconstruction, under the direction of the ambassador, who ensured that everyone fulfilled their duties. The current administration should reassess whether they have overstepped their bounds, dictating Albania’s path rather than empowering the Albanian people to choose their own direction."

Further Response to Moderator Peka's Question:

Peka: "The Prime Minister's brother is under investigation by German police and has been linked with drug traffickers near Tirana. He appears in the TIMS system accompanying these traffickers. The operation was German-led. The current General Prosecutor exposed this but conveniently omitted the Prime Minister's brother’s name. This same prosecutor has been seen dining with George Soros in Tirana, providing guarantees. Given these publicly proven facts, a General Prosecutor allegedly appointed by the trafficker-linked brother of the Prime Minister, with Alex Soros meeting him, do you believe this Albania is a serious and safe partner for NATO?"

          "Crime remains crime, and accusations must be followed by cases, trials, and appropriate punishments, all adhering to due process. When someone is accused, there must first be a presumption of innocence, a formal charge, a trial, and then a verdict and sentence.

            Regarding the Prime Minister's brother, though I don’t have direct knowledge of his involvement, it appears he is free despite these allegations. Meanwhile, President Berisha is under house arrest without any charges or evidence against him. How can someone be punished without facts or accusations? We see two very different aspects of the justice system here," said Bucci.

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