'Decline in Credibility Towards the US and Its Ambassadors'/ James Carafano: This Administration Favors One Political Party…

21:23, 09/09/2024
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James Carafano, a senior adviser to the President from the Heritage Foundation, appeared on Çim Peka Live on SYRI TV to discuss recent political developments in Albania and the role of the American embassy.

When moderator Çim Peka asked whether the lack of U.S. attention towards Albania and the region indicates that the U.S. has chosen stability over democracy and abandoned its values, Carafano responded, "This has created a significant divide between the two administrations, not only in Albania but also in countries like Chile and Argentina."

Addressing Peka's criticism that former U.S. Ambassador to Tirana, Yuri Kim, allegedly turned the embassy into a consular office that favored visa applicants supporting Prime Minister Edi Rama while denying those who criticized him, Carafano pointed out, "The Democratic administration tends to favor one political party over another, which has been an issue in the president's approach to these states."

Studio Interview:

Peka: Six months ago, a Euronews survey revealed that Albanians are now more inclined to trust the values of a morally compromised Europe over those of the USA, primarily because of the actions of American diplomats in Tirana. In 1991, during James Baker's visit, he was warmly welcomed by the entire nation. Recently, however, Secretary Blinken's visit was kept under wraps by both the U.S. and Prime Minister Edi Rama, fearing a negative reception from Albanians. Blinken's visit coincided with the sentencing of McGonigal, who had allegedly bribed Rama, and Albanians were told they were fortunate to have a leader like Rama. This scenario underscores the current state of Albania-USA relations.

Why this apparent lack of U.S. attention to Albania and the region? Have Americans chosen stability over democracy and abandoned their values?"

James Carafano: The shift began in the 1990s, with two political parties developing distinct ideologies and reflecting geographical diversity. In the U.S., politics typically halts at the nation's borders, with foreign policy seen as an extension of domestic concerns. As a result, the approach to politicians and allies varies depending on whether a Republican or Democrat is in office. This adaptability is a key strength of the U.S., and in this election, there seems to be a promising solution at hand.

Peka: The last female U.S. ambassador to Tirana, handpicked by President Donald Trump, represented him while he was in office. Do you know that in Tirana your embassy operates more like a consular office, visa approvals appear to favor those affiliated with Rama's party, while critics were denied under Ambassador Yuri Kim, despite her being appointed by a conservative president who upholds traditional values!

James Carafano: This difference between administrations has been significant, not only in Albania but also in Chile and Argentina, where U.S. actions have shown politicization. This administration has favored one political party over another, leading to a problematic focus from the president on how states are treated. What we hope from a potential future Trump administration is that the embassy's role will be to represent U.S. interests without taking sides or favoring political parties within other countries.

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