Address of the chairman of Democratic Party of Albania Sali Berisha to his supporters in the occasion of assassination attempt against President Donald Trump.

20:23, 14/07/2024
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What happened last night in Butler, Pennsylvania is an act of political terrorism, it’s an assassination attempt, against President Donald Trump, but also against every free man, in every free country.

In this context, every person who believes in freedom and, the free vote, felt himself last night to be one with President Donald Trump, as we would have felt the same, as one, with any Presidential candidate, Prime minister or President of free countries, if he or she was to be subject of an assassination attempt, as this happened in the most hateful way against President Donald Trump during his election campaign.

What happened last night in Butler, Pennsylvania, USA, in the leading  country of the security among free countries in the world, at a time of global confrontation, one day after the NATO summit and just two days before the Republican Convention in which President Donald Trump will be crowned as the official candidate of the Republican Party for the incoming Presidential elections in the USA, in one way or another, it constitutes an assassination attempt not only against President Trump but an atentat against the security of the USA and also agains free countries and people.

As a politician who was subject of an assassination attempt little while ago, not with bullets but with iron bars, organized by Edi Rama, Taulant Balla, Ardi Veliu, through the criminal police agent 'iron bar', this, only because Edi Rama wanted to celebrate the summit of the European leaders in Tirana by shutting the opposition’s mouth - according to him, cursed – and of its leader.

Of course, having failed through all other means, he undertook this act in extremis.

So, I do feel a little more than others, the heinous act of terrorism that was committed last night in the form of an assassination attempt against President Donald Trump, at the election campaign in Pennsylvania.

In this case, I want to stress that promoting a hatred language and actions towards the opposition, by putting it under persecution and endless political processes, are viruses of political terrorist acts against the opposition.

They are the explosion of unrestrained hate, they are incentives for organizing acts aiming the defeat of citizens’ will, the defeat of citizens’ vote, all in order to decide the final electoral result through other medieval anti-democratic methods.

In this context, I am confident that the investigation will bring out all those responsible for this terrorist attack against President Trump, which has shocked the world.

But, again, I would betray you, and I would never do this, if I did not point out on this occasion that, when you undertake acts to destroy the democratic opposition in a friendly country, you must check yourself because you have major problems in the your own stand toward the opposition in your own country. You have major problems, because the opposition is the moral power of a nation, let it be big or small.

Because the opposition is the moral power of a country, big or small.

Because the opposition of a free country cannot be controlled by another country, and all this, say a lot about the attitude towards the opposition in your own country as well. If you attack the democratic opposition in another  country, you will do so in your own country as well. One way or another, karma comes back.

I wish that such acts are never repeated in free countries.

Therefore, I wish from the bottom of my heart, a speedy and complete recovery for President Donald Trump.

I wish a dignified, inspiring, exemplary electoral campaign in the presidential elections in the USA and, for such assassinations attempts never to happen against any candidate.

I express on this occasion once again, on your behalf, my full solidarity with President Donald Trump, the Trump family, the Republican Party, and all citizens of the USA, and with all those who condemn last night's act as a terrorist act against democracy, the constitution, the law, against the leading country of the free world.

I close today with the words of President Trump, who rose like a lion after this heinous act, and called his supporters to: Fight, fight, fight!

That's why we pledge that: We will fight, we will fight and we will only fight!

We will fight and will win.



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