Statement by the PD Chairman: The SIAC decision adds another layer to the monument of corruption and shame surrounding the decision to exclude Sali Berisha.

Statement by the PD Chairman: The SIAC decision adds another layer to the monument of corruption and shame surrounding the decision to exclude Sali Berisha.

13:21, 17/06/2024
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The Chairman of the Democratic Party, Sali Berisha, responded to the SIAC's decision on his lawsuit challenging his designation as 'persona non grata' by the United Kingdom.


Statement of the Chairman of the Democratic Party Sali Berisha

The decision of SIAC adds another layer to the monument of corruption and shame in the exclusion of Sali Berishes from the UK

In August 2022 I initiated legal proceedings against the decision of the State Secretary of Home Department (Home Office) to exclude me from the UK, which was communicated to me on 21 July 2022, initially by Edi Rama in the Parliament and then, hours later by the British government.

The appeal procedure stipulates for a mandatory application with a special commission (SIAC), before taking this matter to court.

The procedure with SIAC extended beyond reasonable deadlines in an attempt to hinder the truth.

This process ended today, after two years, with SIAC dismissing my appeal whilst manifestly displaying its complete failure in fighting corruption of certains segments of the UK administration.

Paragraph 17 of the decision of the commission states that SIAC has not investigated and assessed whether allegations made against me were true, but whether the Secretary of Home Office has reasonably concluded, based on the evidence she was provided, that the exclusion order against me was grounded. This clearly proves that not only SIAC has not sought the truth, but also that the decision of the secretary is taken based on articles of media outlets sponsored by George Soros and statements of my political opponents such as Rama, Veliaj etc.

SIAC has also confirmed in its decision that it has never assessed thousands of pages of evidence and testimonies filed by the attorneys of Mr. Berisha, purportedly because they were filed late (paragraph 9). In fact, they were filed within the deadline but the legal representatives of the Home Secretary never submitted them to the Secretary so that she could not be informed on their content and as a consequence would not be later admissible in SIAC, because the Secretary had not seen them before taking the decision (Paragraph 9).

I emphasise that the intentional exclusion of my evidence came after the following:

After the evidence of Ambassador Alastair King Smith against me submitted in the Home Office, failed, he was obliged to knock from door to door in different institutions in Tirana seeking new evidence and confiding that “we excluded Berisha but now we need evidence because he is suing us”. (see )

Ambassador Alastair King Smith, wrote to his country authorities that annulling the expulsion decision on Berisha, either by means of a new decision of the Home Office, or by other legal procedures would damage the reputation of the UK.

(see )

Lastly, this happened after the Home Office Desk Officer who prepared the decision on my exclusion requested to see the evidence to the body that had prepared the recommendation for my exclusion – Crime State Nexus (CSN) – which was chaired by the predecessor of Ambassador Alastair King Smith, Mr. Norman Duncan, CSN gave the ridiculous answer that the recommendation for my exclusions was based in 38 DipTel (diplomatic telegrams), but that all those DipTels were lost. Naturally this was not true but a meager attempts to hide the fact that the DipTels contained nothing.

I reiterate that the Home Office decision to exclude me from the UK, which the SIAC today maintained, an ugly monument of transnational corruption, which is based in fabrications and defamations of the media sponsored by George Soros, and ungrounded statements of my political opponents. According to these sources and the corrupt  ambassadors, Berisha should be excluded because:

(1) he allegedly had connection to the Pyramid Schemes of 1997 at a time when criminal and parliamentary investigations conducted by the Socialist Government failed to reveal any evidence on this matter, because there no connection exists. The evidence submitted by the Home Office on this matter refute its own allegations. It also appears that the Home Office has ignored a special report of the UK Parliament which in referring to the pyramid schemes, validated the approach of the Albanian Government at the time and advised the British Institutions to follow that approach as the only fair and legal path – that is allow the Ponzi schemes to wind up and put their management to justice. ( The Largest Heist In History. Building the Great Pyramid: The Global Financial Crisis Explained. Memorandum from Greg Pytel. February 2009. )

(2) Berisha allegedly has connections to organized crime because a DP supporter – who Berisha had never met in his live (F. Dauti) – had kicked a door at the Democratic Party Headquarters! Although in its own documents the Home Office admits to have found no proof that Berisha had any connection with Dauti, in a ridiculous and illogical way states that “this proves Berisha’s connections to organized crime”. This is a reflection of the UK Ambassador forwarding the statements of Lulzim Basha without checking.

(3) Berisha has allegedly enriched businessman Damir Fazlic and has impeded his investigations, according to reports from Soros-sponsored media. The truth is that Mr. Faslic has never received any favour from Berisha and his government and there is no evidence to prove otherwise. The allegation on the interference with Faslic’s investigation refers to the fact that the prosecutor in one case ordered Faslic’s detention without a legal warrant, which was not executed by the police officers in compliance with the constitution and the universally accepted Human Rights guarantees. When the public prosecutor issued a legal warrant, Faslic came and gave his statement. The Prosecutor investigated his activities in Albania and other countries for almost a year and could not find any evidence on any wrongdoing from his side.

(4) Berisha has allegedly enriched Fazlic because he – like any other citizen of this country or any other foreign investor – has bought 12 hectares of private land in Porto Romano, two of which from my son-in-law and because of this I had allegedly extended the Energy Park of Porto Romano so that his land would be within the extension. The truth is that the land which Faslic bought was partially inside the existing 50-hectares park approved by the Socialist Government and that Democratic Party government extended the Park no by a few hectares, but by 850 more hectares based on a multi-year study from the Ministry of Economy and Trade, which created an Industrial and Energy Park based on the strategic interests for creating of such park and not for few hectares bought by Faslic. Since 2004, the Albanian Official Gazette and the national media have published legal acts which indicated that the Energy Park would expand, which led hundreds of businessmen to acquire land in this area. This park is still being expanded today

(5) The allegation that my daughter benefitted from a 100 million investment of a foreign investor is a manifest fabrication, simply because this investment has never happened. The said businessman sought to circumvent the bidding rules for his investment, and when my daughter, in compliance with the law, refused to lobby with the government on this matter, after a lunch with Taulant Balla (current minister of Interior of Socialist Government) at Rogner Hotel, he left without paying even the bill of legal fees around 8,000 euro.

In Conclusion:

To pretend that you are fighting organized crime by punishing the leader of the opposition because an unknown supporter kicked a door is a pitiful attempts to maintain in power the corruption and the international organized crime which includes (i) the first narco-state in Europe in which the Prime Minister is accused by his deputy to conducting meetings in his office with the heads of the criminal gangs, where police chiefs coordinate with organized crime for ordering murders, (ii) where Sinaloa drug cartel is granted casino license, where heads of organized crime receive the status of “strategic investor”, (iii) where the Prime Minister and his advisors corrupt intelligence chief agents from FBI’s Charles McGonigal, to Romanian General Coldea, etc.

The allegations against Berisha show that there is no evidence or fact to show any wrongdoing from the opposition leader and they manifest an attempt to stop the opposition from challenging a corrupt power which exports organized crime but accepts to receive refugees in accordance with the wishes of the lobbying interests.

The truth cannot be concealed. I remain faithful that the justice path that will follow will serve the truth and will render a true contribution to the fight against transnational corruption.


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