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PIRANJAT/ Me Florian Binaj dhe Dojna Mema

Protesters in Tirana address to Sali Berisha for help against government’s plans

12:11, 17/02/2022
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The residents of the areas where homes are being demolished by the government protested again outside the Albanian parliament. They asked for the help of the historic leader of the Albanian Democrats and former Premier Sali Berisha who took their side. The residents accused disgraced former chairman of the Democratic Party and MP Lulzim Basha of showing no solidarity to their concerns.

Berisha told the protesters he admires their resistance against the government and municipality corruptive plans.

“I have denounced it many times as an inhumane, corruptive, and anti-constitutional act against you. In a normal country, you all would be entitled to benefit from the law on properties and its clauses”, Berisha said.

“The developers that plan to build 30-storey towers do not agree to give you 10% of the value of the construction space as you are entitled by law. They don’t agree because they give it to (Mayor) Erion Veliaj, Edi Rama, and Lulzim Basha”.

“I have the biggest admiration for your resistance. We are preparing a bill in your favor. Our challenge is to mobilize the citizens of Tirana and Kamza to join in your support because this is a right that is denied to tens of thousands of families. This is the drugs and crime mafia”.


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