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PIRANJAT/ Me Florian Binaj dhe Dojna Mema

Berisha on the vetting bodies mandates extension and Basha's joining votes with the Socialists: A co-governance of the hostage with the hostage taker

Berisha on the vetting bodies mandates extension and Basha's joining votes with the Socialists: A co-governance of the hostage with the hostage taker

12:17, 10/02/2022
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Former Premier Sali Berisha commented the extension of the mandate of judicial vetting bodies and Lulzim Basha’s decision to join votes with the Socialist majority in favor of the extension. Berisha said this is the co-governance of the hostage with the hostage taker.

“I have expressed my position for this giant corruptive process that is followed in every step with serious offenses of the law, and was used for witch hunting from Edi Rama with the help of his crony George Soros”, Berisha said.

“It was used for the cleansing of the justice system on regional, class, and religious bases”.

“Several standards were used and – as you know – this is a process that has been rejected and no longer trusted by the Albanian society. I will never vote contrary to what Albanians think and believe”, Berisha promised.


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