President Meta: The documents falsification is an attempt of coup against the Head of State

President Meta: The documents falsification is an attempt of coup against the Head of State

11:26, 09/02/2022
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Albanian President Ilir Meta said today he has filed a criminal lawsuit against the Parliament of Albania over “the criminal offence of documents falsification, committed in cooperation”. Meta said the criminal report has been sent to Tirana’s Prosecution Office and SPAK, the Albanian Special Structure against Corruption.

Meta’s legal adviser Bledar Dervishaj said the report has deposited at SPAK due to the involvement of high state functionaries.

“The criminal offense of the falsification is quite flagrant, it happens for the first time ever in a public hearing of the Constitutional Court from the Parliament of Albania, in a first-time process against the Head of State, the President of the Republic, and this crime of falsification shows clearly how the monist parliament functioned, but the way the new parliament, with the opposition, functions is dramatic too. The foundations of the Republic have been severely shaken”, Meta said.

The parliament sent falsified documents to the Constitutional Court to support its dismissal of President Meta over serious violations of the Constitution.

“This is nothing but an attempt to finalize the coup against the Head of State”, Meta declared.


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