Berisha announces the coalition with LSI for mayoral elections, reveals the name of the alliance

Berisha announces the coalition with LSI for mayoral elections, reveals the name of the alliance

14:03, 31/01/2022
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Historic leader of the Albanian Democrats Sali Berisha announced today the coalition with the Socialist Movement for Integration (LSI) for the March 6 partial mayoral elections in six municipalities of the country. The Committee for the Re-foundation of the Democratic Party that was created after Berisha’s movement dismissed Lulzim Basha as party chairman will take part in the elections as part of a bigger coalition of the opposition that includes LSI as well.

“LSI is a part of this coalition and we are looking at the modalities defined by the law. Negotiations for other parties are ongoing. There is a legal definition on how many parties will be in the coalition”, Berisha said.

He also revealed the name with which the coalition will be registered for the elections.

“It will not be registered with the LSI logo. The coalition will be named the House of Freedom. It will have its own logo, which is normal for every coalition”, said Berisha.


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