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Berisha says he’s found out the mechanism to win the mayoral elections

Berisha says he’s found out the mechanism to win the mayoral elections

11:45, 27/01/2022
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Former Albanian Premier Sali Berisha returned to a parliament session today for the first time after a four-month absence.

“I was absent for four months because I was in a conversation tour with all the Democrats of Albania”, Berisha told media reporters outside the parliament house. “In a certain way it was the greatest parliament in 30 years. Now I return to the parliament out of respect for the people, because for the ones that are there it’s not worthy to stay even four minutes”.

Berisha also spoke about the partial mayoral elections in six municipalities of the country. He said he know the formula to win.

“I have found the mechanism to win the March 6 election. I see a climate of huge optimism for the victory. Everything can happen, but we won’t be stopped. The negotiations are ongoing, we will win his election. It is the citizens versus the cleptocracy. We will win”.


Lexo edhe:


Jo shaka27/01/2022 12:37

Në Lu po udhëzohen të majtët për kandidatin e bravës. Duan të krijojnë idenë e rremë ndaj PD së rithemeluar. Vlerësojeni këtë marifet

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