Berisha: Rama today has more power than the communist dictator Alia by taking the opposition hostage

Berisha: Rama today has more power than the communist dictator Alia by taking the opposition hostage

16:27, 26/01/2022
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Former Democratic Party Chairman Sali Berisha accused Albanian Premier Edi Rama of taking hostage the opposition premier said today surpassing even Ramiz Alia, Albania’s last communist dictator. Berisha addressed to his supporters in Patos, where he went to celebrate the 31st anniversary of the local branch of the Democratic Party.

"Today Edi Rama has more power than Ramiz Alia had in 1991. We went to villages, the ex-communists threw stones at us; after (Enver Hoxha’s) monument was pulled down they were armed to attack us, but no one made efforts to take us hostage. We stood invincible, led the real opposition and marched towards victory”, Berisha said. “Today Rama has surpassed his communist fathers, has taken hostage the opposition through criminal files and corruptive affairs. This is tragic for the country. It is also an awareness call for every Democrat to rise in a great and invincible mission. Our cause is just. It will triumph, because we believe in this cause. We are engaged in a pacific revolution which no force in the world can stop”.



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