Berisha: We are the real opposition, the march will go on

Berisha: We are the real opposition, the march will go on

13:45, 08/01/2022
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The historic leader of the Albanian Democrats, former chairman of the Democratic Party, former President and Prime Minister of Albania Sali Berisha said the real opposition in the country is the one that protested today. Berisha said the march will not stop.

“Unfortunately, in a narco-state, the narco-government and the narco-opposition are one. The real opposition is the one you are seeing, gigantic, which appeared in a peaceful protest and was confronted with the sharpest instruments of violence”, Berisha told media reporters after the protest at the Democratic Party headquarters.

“I guarantee the Albanians we are and will remain invincible in the values we believe in and defend. This was a carefully prepared scenario. No one had or has any problem with any Democrat MP but with the hostage of Edi Rama who answers to the name Luli the Locksmith (Basha). This is an unstoppable movement, a battle that will not rest and I guarantee you that today it was only the first page. These are the Albanians of Freedom. This is the people of the Referendum of Freedom, the citizens that restored the free vote in the Democratic Party. Today Albanians saw the real face of Lulzim the Hostage who was defended with the full cruelty of Edi Rama’s narco-gangsters”.

Berisha expressed his gratitude to the citizens that “made history with their protest”.

“These free citizens will set free the Albanian society from the narco-state as the ugliest form of dictatorship. I invite you to continue our march without bending over”.


Lexo edhe:


Ai08/01/2022 14:05

Shume e vertete. Ky nefoto eshte fytyra e vertete e shkaterrimit te demokracise e pluralizmit ne shqiperi. I percau te perndjekurit, i shkaterroi pronaret dhe me ne fund erdhi dita e llogarise. Edhe ju te syrit, duhet ti fiksoni mire keto pamje dhe keto lajme se do vije nje dite qe edhe ju do ta kuptoni "nderin" qe i keni bere "demokrateve", atyre te verteteve jo servileve. Nje pyetje shkurt: Pyeteni flamur noken si deputet e anetar i PD, me cfare lekesh e ndertoi vilen 200 mije euro ne lalz ???? per te mos folur per te tjere.......... E pra kjo nuk eshte demokraci kjo eshte vjedhje e nderit dhe dinjitetit te njerezve te ndershem, per me teper demokrate.....

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