Albanian pundit Bushati crucifies Basha: You became Rama’s pawn in his plan to hurt the opposition

Albanian pundit Bushati crucifies Basha: You became Rama’s pawn in his plan to hurt the opposition

09:46, 17/12/2021
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Albanian journalist and political pundit Andi Bushati attacked the discharged chairman of the Democratic Party Lulzim Basha and accused him of being the weakest link of the Albanian opposition and a tool in Premier Edi Rama’s hands.

Speaking in front of Basha live on TV, Bushati said former Prime Minister Sali Berisha was declared non grata by the United States to hurt the opposition after Rama stole the elections, and Basha signed the plan to hurt the opposition.

“There is no person with whatever little brain in their heads to understand that Sali Berisha – THE Sali Berisha for whom I have counted one thousand more sins than you did – eight years later, they were reminded to declare Sali Berisha non grata, whereas persons that have stolen, with signatures of American companies, persons that have stolen with the check-up, with concessions, show up every day before Albanians in pictures with Yuri Kim, and now they suddenly remember Sali Berisha is the evil of this country because corruption harms America”, Bushati said, addressing to Basha.

“Jo, Sali Berisha does not have a personal problem, regardless of me being an enemy of Sali Berisha as long as he lives he does not have a personal problem. Sali Berisha was hit to hurt the Democratic Party and the opposition in this country, after they stole the elections. And you became the pawn that signed the plan of hitting the opposition. This is the real story! There is no Albanian to believe Yuri Kim and that half-Serbian one would punish corruption because the corruption in Albania was a pain and they would punish Sali Berisha for that. Here they have Edi Rama if they really wanted to fight corruption in this country. No, in order to salvage the elections stolen by Edi Rama they needed to have Sali Berisha non grata and they found the weakest link of the opposition, Lulzim Basha, that signed Edi Rama’s wish. This is the real story that needs to be told to the people”.


Lexo edhe:


Iliri17/12/2021 16:07

jep pergjigjen e bashes zoteri! smund ta mbyllni ashtu.

Nine17/12/2021 15:24

Andi Bushati bravo te Madhe.Ja the cope ne sy te verteten.Je shume real.Te pergezoj dhe respekte per Ju

Victorian 17/12/2021 10:03

Thjesht e masakrakroj mbreme te shkretin Lulush. Kredite z. Bushati per sherbinin e vertete gazetaresk.

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