A few notes about the meeting of the two governments

A few notes about the meeting of the two governments

13:04, 26/11/2021
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By Sali Berisha

Today’s meeting in Elbasan of the governments of Albania and Kosovo should have marked an important event of cooperation between the two countries.

In reality, the meeting only deepens the gap and division between the two governments of the same nation.

It happens because in Elbasan, facing the government of Kosovo, sits the government of the Painter, or the government of the Open Balkans, or the government of submission to Belgrade, the representative of the trilateral alliance Belgrade-Skopje-Tirana, de facto the alliance of the siege of Kosovo by the hostile Serbian-Macedonian-Albanian clique.

On this occasion I’d like to condemn strongly the dangerous game of Serbian President Vucic who just talked with the Tsar of Kremlin about north Kosovo, and the game his vassals Rama and Zaev are playing with our region, boosting sick nationalisms and conflicts with their initiative.

Mr. Sali Berisha is a former President and Prime Minister of Albania

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