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PIRANJAT/ Me Florian Binaj dhe Dojna Mema

Rama in Belgrade: As of January 1, Albanian border will open to Serbian goods

Rama in Belgrade: As of January 1, Albanian border will open to Serbian goods

12:18, 04/11/2021
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Albanian Premier Edi Rama spoke in Belgrade about the benefits of the Open Balkans initiative for Albanian citizens, companies, and economy. Speaking to media reporters in the joint press conference with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, and North Macedonia Deputy Prime Minister Nikola Dimitrov, Rama said that as of January 1, 2022, Albania will ease procedures of movement for Serbian people and goods.

“The focus was on the people, companies, farmers, workers, students, which are the actual benefiters of the Open Balkans and each of them in their own way suffers waiting in the borders, the burden of bureaucracy, controls, inspection”, Rama said.

“I’m glad we focused on the core. The core of this initiative is to expand our economies, markets, which are small, but if they get integrated they can transform into an important market for foreign investments”.

“We have exporters of fruits and vegetables, dairy, from Serbia, North Macedonia, which cannot wait for days at the border crossing. It’s impossible to reach at the border on Friday evening and wait for Monday to pass the dairy products. The same applies to taking products from Konispol (the most southern point of Albania) to Serbia, from the fields to the market, passing through the customs”, said Rama.


Lexo edhe:


Vendi yne 04/11/2021 13:24

O mendere shqyer e bere shqiperine vend grumbullimi skarcitetesh.Cke qe je ngjitur kaq breke e byth me armikun tone me te madh???Po pse mor brekedhjere mor tradhetare I pashoq??Serbia ne na lufton ne cdo drejtim.Do te zene hakat e ketij Populli do behesh me lolo se Enveri.Enveri ngeli ne karroce po ti do hiqesh xarra e do permjeresh ne poture

Shqiptari04/11/2021 13:02

Shqiptare mos bleni mallra serbe jane njesoj si ato ilace serbe qe po vdesin Shqiptaret cdo dite.

vezhguesi04/11/2021 12:44

apel nga 1 jnari tu bllokohe eruga e kombit serbeve per ne shqiperi se shteti asht i popullit e jo i nji individi melujt koqe me 6 milon shqiptar por nese u lejohet ate here ka alternativa te tjera apel qeveries se kosoves mos ti lejoj neper autostrad te kalojn per shqiperi nese lejohen ateher ibie qe rama kanenshkru edhe per kosoven open luften.

vezhguesi04/11/2021 12:43

apel nga 1 jnari tu bllokohe eruga e kombit serbeve per ne shqiperi se shteti asht i popullit e jo i nji individi melujt koqe me 6 milon shqiptar por nese u lejohet ate here ka alternativa te tjera apel qeveries se kosoves mos ti lejoj neper autostrad te kalojn per shqiperi nese lejohen ateher ibie qe rama kanenshkru edhe per kosoven open luften.

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