The Albanian majority and opposition argue in Brussels over the crime-linked Socialist MP Balla’s presence in the delegation

The Albanian majority and opposition argue in Brussels over the crime-linked Socialist MP Balla’s presence in the delegation

16:04, 15/10/2018
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The confrontation between the ruling Socialist Party (PS) and the Democratic Party (PD) has moved to the European Parliament with the opposition abandoning the meeting. Democrat MP Genc Pollo claimed the head of Socialist parliamentary group Taulant Balla should not be a co-chairman of the Albanian delegation because of his links to persona from the criminality and drugs underworld.

In a phone interview with Fax News Democrat MP Jorida Tabaku said the opposition has made its position clear and cannot co-exist with crime. She added Balla himself has admitted he has a close relation with a person from the crime world that is Edmond Bego, an ex con for drugs traffic.

“We are not asking here for Mr. Balla to be arrested, but the Albanian state cannot be represented in such high levels by such a character”, Ms. Tabaku told Fax News, adding the Democrat MPs will not return to the plenary session as long as PS will not change its mind.

“It is unjust that Balla is a co-chairman of the delegation. The majority in Tirana should be ashamed for not replacing this deputy with another one and also shame on us that tolerated it”, said Pollo, shortly before leaving the room along with his PD colleagues.

According to Pollo, “with Balla involved, the today’s declaration against drugs and pro the negotiations makes no sense”.


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