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Democrat leader Basha says PM Rama, IM Xhafaj and his predecessor Tahiri stand in Albania’s way of EU integration

Democrat leader Basha says PM Rama, IM Xhafaj and his predecessor Tahiri stand in Albania’s way of EU integration

13:34, 12/06/2018
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Democratic Party chairman Lulzim Basha pointed out Premier Edi Rama, Interior Minister Fatmir Xhafaj and former Interior Minister Saimir Tahiri as the three persons that stand between Albanian and the membership negotiations with EU. Basha urged Xhafaj to step down and Rama to stop protecting Tahiri as the only way to allow the country progress towards its European aspiration.

“Rama must either comply with the Albanians’ will or leave the post”, Basha told a press conference. "When only two weeks separate us from the decision for the opening of the negotiations of Albania’s accession to the European family, the messages from Europe are becoming clearer every day. The opening of the negotiations is not a process of publicity or personal lobbying. It is an actual process of acting and behaving like Europeans. Edi Rama’s strategy of creating a fake façade of an Albania where everything is OK has failed. The façade has fallen. The government is naked before the world”.

“The choices we have are clear. If we want Europe, Saimir Tahiri must be where the place of traffickers and officials linked to them is. If we want Europe, Fatmir Xhafaj must leave (the post). If we want Europe, we need to do an electoral reform and stop buying votes and the manipulation of elections for good. Rama, Tahiri and Xhafaj are today the main obstacles in Albania’s way to EU integration. The Albanians want the opening of the negotiations. That’s why Fatmir Xhafaj’s resignation and ending Rama’s protection of Tahiri are of utmost importance. Edi Rama must obey to the people’s will or leave”.


Lexo edhe:


Popull13/06/2018 12:32

Edvinin na i dhurove ti. Taven ja bere ti dhurate ta kishte te gjithen vete. Ik me mire e mos dil me. Lere dike tjeter ne ate vend. Je djale qytetar, vetem kaq

Finok12/06/2018 15:08

Rri ore aman mos fol ti per Gjykaten Kushtetuese dhe SPAK kur sa here vete ne parlament bllokon punimet o ditezi

Mira12/06/2018 15:05

E ke pyet ndonjeher veten pse nuk te duan nderkombetaret?? Pervecse nuk ke bere asnje pune ke vrare dhe ke vjedhur shqiptaret o zoteri.

ardi. pg 12/06/2018 15:01

Po si mund te flasi ky per areformen dhe krijimin e spak kur ky u fut si mi ne cader kur erdhi koha qe te votonte reformen

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