The expulsion of the Democratic Rebirth Newspaper from the offices is an act of hatred of Lulzim Basha towards free speech!

The expulsion of the Democratic Rebirth Newspaper from the offices is an act of hatred of Lulzim Basha towards free speech!

09:17, 07/01/2022
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On January 5th, 2022, on the 30th anniversary of the Democratic Rebirth Newspaper, hostage Lulzim Basha, by order of his hostage taker Edi Rama, in an act of intolerance and hatred for free speech, forcefully expelled from their offices the journalists of Democratic Rebirth newspaper.

This ugly anti-democratic act came as a result of dignified attitudes and in defense of the freedom of expression of the Democratic Rebirth. 

Journalists and its editor-in-chief Bledi Kasmi at the height of the crisis that the Democratic Party went through, testified before the democrats and all Albanians that the Democratic Rebirth was not the newspaper of Sali Berisha or Lulzim Basha but remained faithful to its great mission for which it was born: as a representative for free speech, truth, anti-censorship, independent intellectual thought, and ensurer of transparency for narcotic crimes of national interest.

Member of parliament Lulzim Basha with the expulsion of the journalists of the Democratic Rebirth newspaper committed against this newspaper an unprecedented act which was not undertaken at its start either by dictator Ramiz Alia nor the communist rebels who came to power with fire and smoke in 1997.

Condemning with the utmost severity this unprecedented violation of free speech, the journalists and the Democratic Rebirth newspaper on their 31st anniversary, former Prime Minister Sali Berisha called on the associations of domestic and foreign journalists as well as international institutions, UN offices, OSCE, EC, EP, dealing with the freedom of the media to condemn this unprecedented act against the media of the hostage of the government MP Lulzim Basha.


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